Posted by
Rich "Ace" Akullian on
Nov 17, 2022
Posted by
Rich "Ace" Akullian on
Nov 17, 2022
At Studio A, we pride ourselves on being able to tell any and every story. We work with other businesses and companies to provide content that can help them with the development of their identity, products and brand on a high level. When this is done correctly, this content becomes an invaluable resource for a company.
In this way, we share similarities with the Capital Area Technology Association.
CATA provides companies like ours with “information on the IT and telecom industries” along with networking opportunities, two invaluable services for us. When CATA reached out, I was humbled to be considered for an event alongside the Albany County Film Commissioner, Debby Goedeke, the Co-founder and Executive Director of Tech Valley Game Space, Jamey Stevenson, and CEO of Claim to Fame Entertainment, Michael Crossman.
At the CATA event, “Film & Entertainment and Video Game Development in the Capital Region,” I had the chance to give a presentation that recapped the technology I’ve used throughout my career. I reflected on my first camera, which I used to create my first series: The CulDeSack Kids. Looking back on it now I see there was a lot of room for improvement, but at the time, I thought I had put together the greatest pilot of all time.
Today, as I put together pieces for organizations like the Public Employees Federation, I edit footage from my Sony FX3 and realize how far I’ve come. Between Infinidat, local artist Johnny 2 Phones, beauty-school educational company Milady, the University of South Florida and many others, I realize the upgrades in technology did more than just keep my work looking professional.
Investing in great technology has allowed me to invest in myself. My first camera paid for my second camera in the same way that our first space at Akullian Creative paved the way for the amazing space we have today at Studio A. Keeping up with the latest cameras, editing software and industry trends is not only expensive, but time consuming. Thankfully, I have always had a talented team around me that teaches me things everyday. Without them, I would be challenged with finding all the lights, tripods, stands, power cables, microphones… I could go on.
I’m happy to be a part of a community in Albany that is thriving in production just as much as we are at Studio A. The films and video games that are coming from the Capital Region make our area a creative community.
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When I was preparing to give this speech today, I realized it’s been 100 months since I quit my job to begin Akullian Creative. One hundred months seems like a long time, but it went by fast.
In my next 100 months, I don’t know where the content I make will take me, but I do know that if I continue to invest in myself, I’ll be needing a new camera (or two).
Follow @akulliancreative on Instagram and Facebook. Make sure to like us on LinkedIn. Visit our webpage for more information on our team, story and how we can help with your video, animation and design needs.